“All our past activities”

International Conference in Nizhny Novgorod

An international conference “Legalization of illegally gained proceeds as a threat to economic security of Russia; Harmonization of international and national legal AML mechanisms” was held on 26-28 June 2008 in Nizhny Novgorod  together with the Academy of the Ministry of Interior, the principal institution for training AML/TF specialists in Russia. The meeting focused on the issues of cooperation between the FIUs and the law-enforcement agencies, confiscation and related issues and use of offshore financial centers for laundering illegal proceeds. The Conference gathered  the representatives from all over Russia, both the practitioners from the law-enforcement agencies, judiciary and General Prosecutor’s offices and academia.

Agenda in english and russian

Moscow: Round table on anti-corruption expertise

An international round-table discussion on ensuring that the legislative process in Russia, eastern Europe and in Asia is not vulnerable to corruption, took place in Moscow on 24 and 25 June. The meeting aimed to discuss techniques for assessing the corruption risks to laws.

Link to Agenda English | Russian
List of participants in Russian
Note to editors English | Russian

Seminar on Supervision Activities in St Petersburg

On 15 and 16 May 2008, a seminar on further improvement of supervision was held in St. Petersburg. The purpose of the meeting was to ensure better coordination between Rosfinmonitoring and other supervisors for Anti-Money Laundering purposes, share best practice between departments of Rosfinmonitoring Head Quarters and the interregional offices and discuss the supervision of gaming/gambling business.

6th International Conference at the Association of Russian Banks

On 29 April 2008, the 6th International Conference “Cooperation of self-regulating organisations and supervising authorities in combating money laundering and terrorist financing” was held at the association of russian banks in Moscow. The conference focused on the response of industry to the new regulations and the international approaches to money laundering.

Agenda : english and russian

Activities on confiscation procedures

Two seminars on confiscation procedures took place on 21 and 22 April in Moscow, Russian Federation, at the premises of the General Prosecutor’s Office and the State Duma. The meetings brought together representatives from different governmental and non-governmental bodies to discuss various aspects of confiscation both in Russia and abroad, in particular the experience of the United Kingdom and Italy to be looked into.

Link to Agenda english russian

Meeting in Moscow

On 18 and 19 March 2008, the Council of Europe continued its work in the framework of the MOLI-RU2 Project against Money laundering and Terrorist financing in the Russian Federation. The international experts from Sweden, UK and a representative from Europol shared their knowledge with the staff of Rosfinmonitoring and law enforcement agencies of the Central Federal District on the new trends in money laundering and terrorist financing. 

Link to Agenda english russian

MOLI RU2 Start-Up conference

The Start-Up conference of the Follow-up Project against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in the Russian Federation (MOLI-RU-2) took place on the 24 May at the premises of the EC Delagation in Moscow and was attended by the representatives of the Delegation of the European Commission in Moscow, Council of Europe and key Russian institutions, such as Federal Service for Financial Monitoring (Rosfinmonitoring) ; Ministry of Interior; Ministry of foreign Affairs; Federal Security Service; General Prosecutor’s Office; Central Bank; as well as the representatives of the judiciary, supervisors and regulators of the financial and legal services sectors.

The overall objective of the Project is to contribute to the prevention and control of money laundering and terrorist financing in the Russian Federation in accordance with European and other international standards and best practices.

Конференция, посвященная открытию проекта-продолжения по противодействию легализации (отмыванию) преступных доходов и финансированию терроризма в Российской Федерации (MOLI-RU-2) пройдет 23 мая в представительстве Европейской Комисии в Москве. В конференции примут участие представители Делегации Европейской Комиссии в Москве, Совета Европы, представители ключевых российских ведомств: Федеральной службы по финансовому мониторингу (Росфинмониторинг); Министерства внутренних дел (МВД), Министерства иностранных дел (МИД), Федеральной службы Безопасности (ФСБ), Генеральной прокуратуры, судебных органов, Центробанка и финансового и регулирующего секторов.

Общая цель Проекта – содействовать предотвращению и контролю над легализацией (отмыванием) преступных доходов и финансированием терроризма в Российской Федерации в соответствии с Европейским и другими международными стандартами, а также передовым опытом.